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Thursday, November 28, 2013


I cant' wait to be like this :)
Nope, we're not counting months now but DAYS. I was lying down and dreaming on how the beautiful ceremony will be in 30 days. In this short of time there are things should be done to smoothen the wedding day. It was only yesterday when I first met him. It was only yesterday when he proposed. And it was only yesterday when we quarreled a bit, on who supposed to call first :)

It's not only on how the wedding will be held but what will happen to our life when we had tie the knot. It kept running here in my adrenaline since a few months back. We have to balanced up both families, without hurting anyone. The time we spend together will be longer, it can be as long as 48 hours during the weekend. This is what we always talk about, we want to spend each second to compliment, to help, to accompany and to love each other in the most beautiful place in this world, our own Palace of Happiness. 

In this 30 days, we'll keep on falling in love to each other, and will keep counting till our last breath. Trust me, dear, there will be obstructions, hurdles, constraints, obstacles and whatever they've called it, I want to overcome it with u, only u. Give me your protection and held your arms around me to keep me away from the thunderstorm.

Today is November 28th and in only 30 days we will getting married. Photographer, caterings, wedding dais, wedding gifts, door gifts, wedding dress and the most important are the forms that should be completed on our big day, later. We are preparing ourselves to distribute cards to all guests. This is also the time for us to settle down our bills, accordingly. From my side, I need to struggle on my headscarf, wedding dais, cards and door gifts. In addition, my house also needs to be clean and paint to brighten up the dim house.

I can feel the adrenaline rushed. How do I look on that day. How many beautiful people will surround me. How am I going to smile to them. How if my teardrops fall. How am I going to wear Henna. How good the food will be. And I've got soooo many HOW in my head now.. I am nervous and I have cold sweat now in this aircond room.

This is funny, in 30 days, call me Mrs.Hafizi :)

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