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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Siap, Sedia... Jalan!

Aww, tomorrow is the day. We officially are the tenant of our Palace of Happiness on December 1st, according to our agreement with landlord. Baru senang hati nak move in barang-barang kelengkapan rumah. Barulah rasa lengkap. All the while kitorang masuk sebab nak basuh aje dan bawak sikit-sikit barang. Sekarang, barangan peribadi dah siap packing dari rumah family dan siap untuk dibawa. Tapi yang kecik dan senang angkut pakai kereta sahaja. Barangan besar kena pakai lori jugak. Nervous tau.

Ni rumah Baby ngan Sayang ni hihihi. Takpelah Sayang, slow-slow kita lengkapkan rumah nanti ye. Macam-macam benda nak dibeli ni. Untuk keselesaan kita berdua. Takpe, setahun kita buat budget sama-sama. Kita tak mewah takpe, asalkan kita bahagia seadanya. Lagipun bukan semua kita kena beli, ada yang dah sedia ada dan tunggu masa untuk dipindahkan. Dah tak berapa terbeban.

We're getting married! These are the wishlist items that u people out there whose wiling to give the wedding gifts to us, as per our request and for more specific we prefer those in WHITE COLOR. Bahahaha jujur ok! Kitchen cabinet, washing machine, chest drawer for our clothes, 42" flat screen tv, air-conditions, water heater, kitchenware rack, 2-doors fridge and lamp shade with stand. Hamboiiiiiiiiiii! Tapi itu kira sikit je sebab yang lain kan dah ada *senyum mulut senget* muahahaha.

Actually, we're looking forward to buy them by ourselves. Those were the lists and we need to struggle more to gain them. The idea of wedding gifts was only a joke and for those who read this, duhhhhh, kalo bagi kitorang terima ajeeeeee. Lalala~

28 days to our BIG DAY, I'm here at home is doing the clearance on what stuffs to dump into the bin and what to bring to new place. But suddenly I forgot that I had new tasks on our wedding day. Some of our families and immediate friends that are going to celebrate us need a place to stay in Seremban. Obviously, a few homestays can fit them all. I open here for whom it may concern, I'm looking for homestays in Seremban. Harapnya kawan-kawan sudi membantu bagi contact number untuk homestay sekitar Seremban sebabnya satu-satu homestay harapan iaitu KRS Homestay di Ampangan telah penuh pada tarikh tersebut. Sekian dimaklumkan.

Eh, ni macam tajuk lain tapi cerita lain ye. Ok sambung mengemas. Sambil bersin! Haaaaaaaaaaaachum!!!

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